Saturday, January 24, 2009

Update 1/23-24 (Sorry no catchy title, I'm too tired)

Both Adam and Mia's weight continue to increase and their feedings are doing much better. They tried to progress Mia to bottle/breast at every feeding today and she is exhausted. She couldn't finish her the bottle her last two feedings, apparently she is just not ready for that yet. Adam is still on every other feeding with a bottle/breast and is doing well. I bottle fed him earlier today and he went longer before his oxygen had to be turned up. Milina's parents were in town today from East Texas to see the twins again. They have not seen them since the weekend after their births. It was a treat for them because they have some such a long way in a week and a half since they saw them last. We decided to skip the 8:30/9 feeding to give the twins a chance to rest from their long and tiring day.

1 comment:

Jill Brown said...

Ahh - just wait the tired stuff is only going to get worse :-)
At least it is a rewarding way to lose sleep