Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bottle Feeding Fun

The big first for today was both Adam and Mia are feeding from a bottle 2X/day. For the bottle feeding they are only able to do a partial feeding of no more than 30min and the rest via feeding tube. Milina bottle fed Mia and I fed Adam. Adam is still not ready to give up his nasal cannula even though it is only on 0.2L which is virtually nothing when they turn it down or off he doesn't respond as good as he should. His nasal cannula is his security blanket right now. Mia wouldn't let Adam try and pass her up so she graduated from her IV today. They are doing well in the step down unit and we are able to help out more with feeding, dressing, bathing, etc. Their weight hasn't changed since yesterday but we are also told that it takes more effort to bottle feed so they are burning more calories.


Ed said...

Wahoo! I al so excited for you guys! Moving right along, those babies will be home in no time at all!

Jill Brown said...

Boys are always the problem. Go Mia - show him who is boss.

I am so glad that they are doing well and improving. Emma can't wait to play with her cousins they are all going to be fast friends and probably troublemakers.

Jennifer said...

They are doing so well, friends! So glad you are getting to spend more time with them to help with their needs... makes you feel more like their mom and dad than an observer in their life, huh!? The stepdown unit is so much more peaceful-- how is their body temps? When will they let Milina start breastfeeding?