Wednesday, January 14, 2009

1/14 Update

Today was another great day in the NICU! Most of the changes lately have been with regards to Adam as he has farther to go to catch up with Mia. Adam no longer has his IV because his feeds have increased enough that he no longer requires it. Today was the first day we saw his head without something sticking out of it. He was also able to further decrease his oxygen level to .2, they tried to turn it off completely but he is not ready to give it up quite yet. Adam was also fed via a bottle for one of his feedings this afternoon. Mia's feeds have also increased enough that she will probably be able to get rid of her IV as well. We were able to help with Mia's bath today and Grandma was able to hold Mia for the first time during her feeding. This will leave then with only a feeding tube and heart rate/BP/respiration/O2 sat monitors which sounds like a lot but is really only a few very thin wires. They still get to wear whatever clothes we bring up for them. Biggest news though is they have been moved from the main NICU room to a step down room. They are still in their isolators/incubators but in an area where they require less supervision. They will no longer have their own RN to look after them which we will miss but that also brings them much closer to coming home. They still tell us 2-4weeks but we are optimistic that by the end of next week we will be able to bring them home

1 comment:

Little Lovables said...

It sounds like things are going great! We are so happy for you, you both look wonderful and the babies are darling.

Call us if you need anything!

David and Lisa