Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's true! They grow up way too fast!

As of last Thursday, Adam found his feet and now loves to play with them usually when he is in his swing. Friday, Mia rolled over for the first time. I was on the computer with her beside me lying on her back and the next thing I knew she was not happy and I look down and she was on her tummy crying. She has since rolled over 2 other times, once yesterday and once today. Adam isn't rolling over just yet but if you put him in his crib on his tummy he will raise his head so high that when he shifts his head he rolls over onto his back. It is really fun to watch but only on a soft surface of course! I can't believe that our little ones are getting so big already. Time flies!
The twins have been enjoying their walks around the neighborhood at night. They usually fall asleep which is great for mommy and daddy so that we can get them to bed sooner. They have been eating around 10:00 to 11:00 at night and sleeping until 5:30 in the morning! They also have been sleeping in their cribs at night!!! Mommy and Daddy are happy to finally get some quality sleep in their own bed instead of one always being upstairs with the babies.
Adam and Mia have also become quite the talkers. Adam has learned how to mimic some sounds/noises, so we take turns making noises back and forth. In the mornings they are both very happy when they wake up and spend the fisrt 10 min or so talking to us and each other.