Adam Jonathan and Mia Nicole Stoddard were born on 1/7 at 10:43pm and 10:52pm
Adam is 4lb9oz
Mia is 4lb2oz
Both are in the NICU and will be for 2-4 weeks depending on how they do. Both are healthy and doing well. They are up to date with 32wk gestation as far as development. Both need a little help with breathing Mia is on CPAP machine and Adam is using a breathing tube and required surfactant to decrease the stress of breathing. They will decrease the breathing assistance over the next few days to test them and proceed as they respond. They are under the warmers but not in the incubators. Both are receiving antibiotics and will be tube fed until they breathe better and can start to try light feedings. All the news right now is positive. We will get the blood work results in 24-48 hours to determine presence of infection.
If you would like to visit the twins or Mom please call first. We can only bring in 1 person each to see the twins but it is look and not touch right now and visits have to be short to decrease the stress/stimulus on the twins.
I will take and post pictures over the next 1-2 days.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
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I'm so glad they are a good size and I hope they do improve quickly with eating and breathing on their own!
Were they delivered vaginally?
I'd love to visit, but I will probably wait until next week and call first!
oops, that was me not Shane
I was waiting anxiously all day yesterday for their arrival! Congratulations - just amazing!
Yeah-- so excited for you! I'm really glad that Adam is bigger-- the NICU nurses will tell you that boys are the weaker sex at birth. Please tell the nurses hello and hopefully I can see you and them and ESPECIALLY little Adam and Mia sometime in the next few weeks.
Awesome~ Congratulations!
I hope that their cheeks fully develop as well.
Nice pics and I hope it wasnt too hard for you Jon. Everybody knows Mi did fine..... heee heee. Our prayers are with you all.
--Smith Family
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