Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Difference 48hrs Can Make

We continue to have wonderful changes everyday. We are constantly impressed at the loving care the NICU staff provides. This whole parent thing is pretty easy; every parent needs a NICU nurse for at least the first 1-2 weeks as parents. They are putting the twins on a schedule of feeding/changing every 3 hours, sometimes more on the changing. Hopefully by time the twins come home they will be pretty well trained. I am considering asking them to go ahead and potty train them while they are at it.

Mia – She has quickly become accustomed to the noises (beeps, dings, other babies crying, talking, etc) of the NICU. That does not mean that she hasn’t found her voice though. She has a cry that surely reaches pitches only dogs can hear which I am sure Polar and Cooper will adore. Her Granddad, Milina’s father, held her for the first time which he and I am sure she absolutely loved. She was working on her tan this evening. They use light lamps whenever their blood work shows increased bilirubin levels. You can see in the pictures that they have a great pair of sunglasses/shades to protect their eyes. They turn them to make sure their tan is even. She will have some great tan lines.

Adam – He graduated from his CPAP this afternoon and just uses a nasal cannula as a precaution. He tolerates the nasal cannula far better than the huge CPAP. They tried to move his IV to his foot but he is still to squirmy and it had to be moved back to his head. With the removal of his CPAP we can finally see his face as well for the first time and he is quite handsome. Another wonderful first for the day is that with his CPAP removed we can hold him finally. Jonathan was the first to be able to hold Adam and they enjoyed an hour or so of bonding over a syringe of preemie formula. He is also enjoying the same day at the beach light therapy as Mia and enjoying it as you can see from his pictures.


Sarah said...

They seem to be doing great!! I hope it continues to go so well! They both look beautiful!

Jennifer said...

Enjoy it while you can, friend. At least you can get your sleep-- Milina is pumping every three hours, right?