Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2wk Homecoming

The twins have been home for 2wks now and we are surviving just fine. We have had a great deal of help from church in bringing meals and helping Milina with a few feedings. And of course from elated grandmothers who you can't pry the kids away from. It is amazing how either of us can function on less than half the sleep we are accustomed to getting. We have developed our own routines to make sure the twins stay on a schedule. The twins are growing and now weigh 7lb 5oz and 6lb 2oz for Adam and Mia respectively. They are becoming more animated and interactive but still are content to mainly eat/sleep/poop. I will download more pictures probably over the weekend.

1 comment:

Little Lovables said...

So nice that you guys are figuring out their schedules. Once you get it all down, it will change!!